A product of the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s, he has seen many things in his world. Some things have changed while many more things merely wear a different weil.
"As I've become more comfortable with my responsibilities as a human and as an artist, I have become less willing to see nothing and call it something. It means that I tend to be on the outside more often than not, but I've accepted the fact that maybe that's where I'm supposed to be."
Thomas has continued to develop his own unique style of painting; one that is a perfect match for his personality and that gives him the opportunity to produce some exquite images.
"I firmly believe that the use of a non-traditional tool is either by accident, by exploration, or in my case, having to find a tool that will give me the outcome that I desired. The toothbrush fits me on so many different fronts."
Still referred to by many as "the toothbrush guy", Thomas is still very happy exploring the limits of his chosen tool; however, he is quick to point out that his journey will not be limited to that.
"I certainly haven't exhausted the flexibility of the toothbrush as a tool yet. There are still so many avenues that await me with this. While I don't see myself putting it down anytime in the near future, I don't ever want to limit myself by becoming one dimensional.